Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Technology Integration Plan

Technology is an asset in any classroom. It can be used in a number of different ways and can enhance a student’s learning. Creativity, organization, patience and cooperative learning all occur when technology is used in the classroom. After taking this course, I gained valuable skills needed in order to teach different kinds of technology. Because I am going to teach Language Arts, I plan on utilizing the different kinds of technology that I’ve learned to enhance student’s reading and writing skills.
As a future educator, I plan to use many of the different types of technology we learned in class. Specifically, I plan to use blogs in my classroom. I think it would be a great tool to use for an entire year. Students could use their blogs weekly as a journal. They could also comment on each other’s thoughts and reflections. Lastly, projects, presentations and other resources could be uploaded onto blogs. By blogging, students could get to know their classmates on a more personal level, especially those who they aren’t very close to. I could assess the student’s blogs by having them submit their journal entries each week. I will make sure that they are taking time on their journal entries and fully answering to the prompt.
I also plan on using the Wordle tool with my students. I think this is an excellent tool to use for summarizing stories or when learning vocabulary. It’s so easy to use that I could even have my students create their own Wordle with spelling words that they are having trouble with. I think Wordle would be a handy tool to use after reading a story. You could enter in the characters, setting, plot and theme and students could use it to study. I will assess how Wordle is helping my students by observing what information they put into their Wordle.
Lastly, I plan on utilizing Podcasts in my classroom. I think Podcasts would be an excellent tool to use if I was ever absent. I could record myself giving my class expectations, directions and teaching them a lesson while I am not physically in the classroom. I could assess the students by observing how well they did on the work that was given to them from the podcast.
In the future, I will use examples of blogs, wordles and podcasts to show an employer. In an interview, I could introduce how all three technologies are fairly simple to use and engaging to students.
Along with these three technologies, I plan to utilize a few of the others we learned in class. For example, the wiki, the voicethread and the interactive powerpoint would also be valuable tools to use in the classroom. Technology is an important and valuable tool that is essential in teaching students. As a future educator, I will learn as much as I can about new technologies in order to develop proficiency in different types of technology. The use of technology in classrooms is crucial.

Assignment 12B

I think technology enhances learning for the most part. I know that I've always preferred watching presentations with a powerpoint or smart board component. I think that it's important for educators to know how to use technology properly and effectively in order for it to enhance students learning.

One factor that effects technology in education is that is can sometimes be expensive and take a lot of time to educate teachers on how to use different types of technologies. In my placement, there was a technology grant where most teachers received Smart Boards. However, a lot of them don't even know how to use them. In the classroom that I'm in, the Smart Board is completely covering the blackboard and cannot be moved. In this case, technology is hindering learning.

SlideShare Presentation


I would definitely use a podcast in the classroom. I think it would be especially useful in the future if I was absent and had a substitute teacher. You could make a podcast and put it on a smart board and use it to give your class directions and teach them while you were not there.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Learning with Games and Simulations Assignment 7B

Discovery Life

This game would be a great resource for a science classroom. It's interactive and fun, and is engaging for students.

Animal Arcade

This game would also be very informative to use in a science classroom. It's fun, easy to use and engages students.

Concept Map

Concept Map

Concept maps can be used in a variety of different ways. I think concept maps would be especially beneficial for students to use when studying. It's a great way to organize information and use pictures to enhance concepts.

Monday, February 14, 2011


I would use wordle for voacbulary before a test. It highlights important words and leaves out information that is less important. I would also use this in Language Arts when reading a story. Wordle would be a great study tool because it only highlights significant words. Our class website states that Wordle is useful for ELL and special education students becuase it take only the most important words and puts them together in a fun and creative way.